System Developer by day, hobbyist GameDev by night.
Hi, my name is Anders Pantzar, 34 years old from Sweden. I have been working as a system developer for 10+ years. OccasionallyI get inspired so use my knowledge and experience for something more fun.
I started learning how to code in 2004 when I got introduced to NWScript while making custom scenarios/modules for Neverwinter Nights. I took some highschool courses in 2009, borrowed a book from the library on making games in C++ (made a Pong clone). Got into a computer science program at the local university in 2010, made a lot of small games with XNA during those years. Got my degree in computer science in 2013. Been working as a system developer ever since.
I use MonoGame for all my game projects because I'm fluent in C#, loved XNA when that was a thing, and like the control the framework give me.